The goal of our research group is to couple climate, hydrology, and management models and knowledge to reduce risks and promote sustainability of water resources for societal benefit.
Research Areas
The Water Systems & Society research group creatively addresses critical water resources management challenges in local to international trans-boundary capacities through stakeholder and decision-maker collaborations. We work at the intersection of engineering and socio-economics to enhance management, adaptation, and sustainability of water resources by leveraging across the sciences. Our research themes are centered on a systems-based approach, bridging models and methods across climate science, hydrology, management, the environment, economics, and policy.
Water resources decision-making at planning and design scales
Water resources adaptation for a changing world
Characterization of sub-seasonal extreme events
Current Research Projects
Preparing Wisconsin’s Rural Communities for Amplified Weather Extremes in a Changing Climate
From Forecasts to Action (F2A): Enabling Proactive Societal Responses to Hydrological Extremes
Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Forecast of Hydro-Ecological Extremes in the Amazon Basin
Recently Completed Research Projects
INFEWS: Understanding Multi-scale Resilience Options for Climate-Vulnerable Africa
Seasonal Prediction of HKH Hydrological Extremes with the South Asian Land Data Assimilation System
Season-ahead Drought Prediction in Southern Peru to Support Water Resources Management
The Sands of Time: Developing and evaluating groundwater forecasts in Wisconsin’s Central Sands
Predicting the 2015 Drought in Ethiopia
Agroecosystem-based Climate Resilience Strategies in the Blue Nile Headwaters of Ethiopia – FEW
Predicting Water Quality Extremes using Season-ahead Climate Information